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It’s a great way of just getting to know my colleagues, because we can walk along the streets to a cafe or a restaurant where we’re going for dinner and we’ll talk about personal things that you’re not gonna talk about during a work Zoom call because a Zoom call is just an hour where you have to concentrate on what you’re doing, and you should talk about business issues or you’re talking about programming problems. Whereas when you’re in ordinary life, you’re walking along with another person and you get to talk about ordinary things. It’s easy to lose the thread a little bit when you’re working strictly remotely, or certainly primarily in text. Like what can we do in those instances so that when people are away from home for such an extended amount of time, they feel comfortable, they have what they’re used to. So it created disparity around that and you could start to see how that was like weighing over the extended period of time.
And so there’s great flexibility with that. Like, don’t come into one of these settings and then put a very ambitious target on it, which then takes all of the focus away from coming together in a way that it’s, you don’t typically get to collaborate. CHENDA NGAK: You know, I was thinking about how people collaborate with each other in social settings at meetups. We have really strong relationships with some hotels where we’ll use our global salesperson to help us, you know, really just hone in, on places that feel Automattic. That was left for others to do.
And then suddenly I realize I sit among a dozen other colleagues whom I can identify through their backpacks with WordPress logos and stuff. ” And I actually see a lot of folks at Automattic curate their background, having things they like in their background. I also have a background as an engineer, not in computer science, but I like fixing things. There’s also typically a social component at these meetups, whether that’s just hanging out after dinner to talk shop to get to know one another or even something more structured, like going on a food tour or attending an art class together, you know, what, whatever it might be. Well, not just encouraged, I don’t wanna say forced, but we were pushed to discover things for ourselves and seek out answers rather than asking other people. And I feel no one has done this study before and we are trying to do it now, no one has calculated the loss to American startups for not getting an H1B visa.
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